Join us for Carers Week 13th-16th June

Carers Week, taking place from 10–16 June 2024, is a UK-wide awareness campaign seeking to increase visibility for carers with decision makers, services, employers, communities, and businesses.

The theme this year is 'Putting Carers on the Map'.

Millions of people across the UK care, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health condition or addiction cannot cope without their support.

It is estimated that they save the economy £162 million a year – the equivalent of a second NHS. Yet, many carers feel their role is forgotten and invisible.

Carers Week, taking place from 10–16 June 2024, is a UK-wide awareness campaign seeking to increase visibility for carers with decision makers, services, employers, communities, and businesses.

We will be joining The Carers Centre who are putting on a Carers Festival as part of national Carers Week "Putting Carers On The Map". (link to Carers Week) on 12th June 2024 10am to 5.30pm at The Open Market

Please come and talk to our Mental Health Advice Team who will be at the Festival and find out information about supporting someone with a mental health issue as well as how to look after yourself. For more information go to


Celebrating Volunteer Week 3rd - 9th June 2024.


International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia - May 17th 2024