World Suicide Prevention Day 10th September

“Creating Hope Through Action” remains the theme for the World Suicide Prevention Day 2023. This theme serves as a powerful call to action and reminder that there is an alternative to suicide and that through our actions we can encourage hope and strengthen prevention.

By creating hope through action, we can signal to people experiencing suicidal thoughts that there is hope and that we care and want to support them. It also suggests that our actions, no matter how big or small, may provide hope to those who are struggling.

Lastly, it serves as a reminder that suicide prevention is a public health priority and urgent action is required to make sure suicide mortality rates are reduced. WHO will continue to work with its partners to support countries to take concrete measures in this direction.

We have developed a resource providing local and national suicide prevention resources, which we will be distributing across Sussex to support World Suicide Prevention Day. You can also access this resource by clicking here. It is also provided below.

If you or someone you know is in crisis and struggling with their mental health there are a number of services that can provide support and information:

Sussex Mental Healthline (NHS) 
Phoneline: 0800 0309 500 - Opening hours 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 


Listening support, advice, information and signposting to anyone experiencing difficulties, or who may be in crisis and in urgent need of help, with their mental health.   The service is free and can also be contacted by relatives, carers and healthcare professionals if they have a concern about someone.  

Staying Well Spaces. 

Opening hours:      Weekdays – 5.30pm to 10.30pm; Weekends – 3.30pm to 10.30pm 

The services provide out of hours psychosocial support and crisis prevention planning. This includes contacting people to build crisis plans together, increasing resilience and coping skills. Individuals can phone the service directly to self-refer when they aren't able to cope or feel they are heading towards a crisis point.  To find your local service in Sussex go to:

Helpline: 116 123 (free from landlines and mobiles) 

Opening hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week  
Website: Email:  

Samaritans provide a 24-hour telephone service which offers confidential, emotional support for anyone in crisis.  

Mental Health Advice and Information

You can also contact our Mental Health Advice Service for information about mental health conditions and treatments, advice on looking after your mental health and information on local services and/or carers support ring us on 01273 666950 or email us

World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) was established in 2003 by the International Association for Suicide Prevention in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO). The 10 September each year aims to focus attention on the issue, reduces stigma and raises awareness among organizations, governments, and the public, giving a singular message that suicides are preventable.


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