Share your views about community advocacy services in Brighton & Hove and West Sussex

Opportunity to share your views  

Brighton and Hove City Council, West Sussex County Council and NHS Sussex are working together to improve advocacy services. Below is a link to a survey to find out what you think about community advocacy services in Brighton & Hove and West Sussex that support people with health and social care issues. 

Advocacy is taking action to help people:

  • Secure their rights

  • Make their views and wishes heard

  • Support them to obtain the services that they need

  • Advocates can also help to ensure that you have all the information that you need and to make sure you understand information provided 

Community advocacy services are known as non-statutory advocacy services; this means they are in addition to the types of advocacy the law says have to be in place. These community services can give advocacy support to people to help make sure they are getting the right support and services.

 We welcome your experience and views on what works well with advocacy services and ways to make things better going forward.

 The survey will be open from 12th August to 30th August 2024. To complete the survey please follow the link below: 

Community advocacy services | NHS Sussex (



Volunteer - Trustee and Treasurer Opportunities at Mind in Brighton and Hove


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