Time to Talk Day 2025 Thursday 6th February

Time to Talk Day is the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. The day is all about creating supportive communities by having conversations with family, friends, or colleagues about mental health. We all have mental health and by talking about it we can support ourselves and others.

Time to Talk Day 2024 revealed that nearly two thirds of the UK public put on a brave face to avoid talking about their mental health. And nearly half of us are less likely to open up as we don't want to worry others in already difficult times.

But talking openly and honestly can be the first step towards better mental health for everyone. It can reduce stigma and help people feel comfortable enough to seek help when they need it.

Time to Talk Day is run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, in partnership with Co-op. We want everyone to feel comfortable talking about mental health.

Mind in Brighton and Hove will be running a Free Mental Health Awareness Webinar for Time to Talk Day on Thursday 6th February 2025 1 – 2pm. We will discuss overcoming stigma around mental health, spotting the signs that someone may be struggling, and how to have a supportive conversation with someone about their mental health. If you would like to join us please go to Click here to book.

Our Mental Health Advice team will also be at the Mind Shop in London Road on the  6th February 11.00 – 3.00pm handing out free teabags to invite you to catch up with a friend, colleague or family member to have a chat or simply to take a break and enjoy a Mindful moment. We will also have information on looking after your mental health and wellbeing  and there will be a chance speak to one of our advisors.

If you want to find out more about having conservations  about mental health are but worry about what to say, National Mind run a free online course, called Conversations in the Community. The course aims to build confidence in having everyday conversations about mental health and wellbeing and has been co-produced with people from diverse communities across the UK. For more information or to access the course please go to www.conversationsinthecommunity.org.uk/

You can also download resources, information and ideas on how to get involved from the Time to Talk Day website on www.timetotalkday.co.uk/



Free Annual Physical Health Checks


Useful Information for the Christmas and New Year Period.