Re-engage - bringing generations together

Re-engage, works within local communities to set up regular social gatherings for small groups of people – over 75, who may be on their own, and hoping to find new ways to get out and about in a way that suits them at this time of life. If you’re feeling lonely, and you’d like a bit of extra company they can match you with one of their friendly volunteer call companions. They love a good chat and they’re great listeners too. They offer a number of services including:

  • Tea parties are monthly social groups held in local communities with transport provided. They are a chance for a change of scenery and regular afternoons of conversation and laughter with friends of all ages.

  • Call companions is a telephone befriending service offering older people regular calls so they remain connected to the outside world and have a little extra company

  • Rainbow call companions is our telephone befriending service providing companionship to older LGBT+ people

For more information call the freephone number 0800 716 543 or Email or you can visit their website


Loneliness - Every Mind Matters


Winter mental health text support