Share your views about Hospital Discharge

Opportunity to share your views  

Healthwatch routinely carries out short surveys to gather the views of local people about health and social care services. This month they would like to hear from people discharged from hospital in the last 12 months, or from their relatives, carers or friends, about their experience.

The survey will only take a few minutes to complete and your personal data is protected and treated securely (see below). The survey closes at midnight on Monday 30th September 2024.

Being discharged from hospital

When you leave hospital after treatment, you go through a process called hospital discharge. Healthcare professionals should work with you, and the people most important to you, to ensure your transfer out of hospital is safe, appropriate, and timely. They should discuss your needs with you and how they will be met after leaving hospital. More information is available on the NHS website.

Healthwatch in Sussex, as the local independent champion for health and care, would like to hear about your most recent experience of hospital discharge to see how the process is working and how it could be improved.

Tell them:

  • How involved were you in the hospital discharge process?

  • Did the hospital discharge process meet your needs?

  • What would you improve?

 Click to complete the survey here

If you would like assistance or require a different format, please contact Healthwatch East Sussex via: or call 0333 101 4007

Data protection

Any information that you give will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. You can read their privacy policy here.


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