Mental Health Advice
Accessing information can be an important step in looking after your mental health.
What do we do?
We provide a range of advice and information to anyone affected by mental health issues. This includes those wanting support for their own mental health, and family members or carers who want to discuss concerns over someone they care for. We can also provide advice and information to other organisations who want information for clients they are supporting.
1-to-1 Advice
One of the Advice Team will contact you to initially discuss your concerns, and then, depending on your enquiry provide information or help identify options for you. This could include help researching information, making referrals or planning actions with you.
We won’t tell you what to do or make judgements on your situation but work with you to make the information we provide relevant to you and the help you are looking for.
How we can help
Our Advice Service is based at our offices at New England Street and is open to anyone living in Brighton and Hove. We can also provide some signposting information to those living in West or East Sussex. The service offers advice by telephone, email, online and in person. We also provide advice at a range of outreach venues and deliver workshops/information talks which we promote in our news section on the website.
For telephone Advice or to book an appointment please contact us on 01273 66 69 50 or email us by clicking the button below.
Employment Advice
Our Employment Advice service provides a range of support, advice and information to help people manage their work and learning needs. The service supports people currently working or who are off sick from work who may want help to manage their health issues in the workplace. We also support people who are interested in starting work or who want to identify opportunities for volunteer, or undertaking taking up learning or skills based activities. The service can also link people to the most relevant and helpful organisations to help them resolve their difficulties and move forward with a work and learning plan of action.
How to contact the service
The Employment Advice Service is available for clients receiving treatment and care within the Brighton and Hove Wellbeing Service.
To access the Wellbeing Service please contact your GP or you can self-refer directly online via the Wellbeing Service website. For more information please call 0300 002 0060.
Visit the Wellbeing Service website for more information.