Breathing Space Project
The Breathing Space project provides wellbeing support to tenants of Orbit Housing
What is Breathing Space?
Breathing Space supports Orbit clients who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health. The focus is on mental wellbeing, enabling people to build connections, learn new skills and enhance their own sense of wellbeing.
The project aims to prevent problems occurring or worsening, tackling the causes rather than dealing with the consequences. Our ultimate goal is to support individuals to be in control of their lives and feel empowered to contribute to their community and society.
What do we offer?
The Breathing Space service will:
provide space and time to talk
provide advice and signposting to specialist and community services
deliver individualised support for people who are experiencing mental health issues
offer personalised planning, goal setting and weekly support
offer self-help tools to grow and develop skills and techniques to enhance mental wellbeing
link people into our Wellbeing in East Sussex project which delivers mental health and wellbeing sessions and workshops.
Who is Breathing Space for?
The service is for people who are experiencing low mood, anxiety, loss, feeling worried, lonely, isolated, or ‘not feeling quite right’, and would benefit from some support with their mental health.
The service mainly supports Orbit tenants who are over 18 years and living in Orbit accommodation in West Sussex, East Sussex and Brighton and Hove. It is also able to support a small number of other residents across West Sussex, East Sussex and Brighton and Hove who are not Orbit tenants who are 18 years and older.
How to refer
Orbit tenants can be referred to the service and can either be:
referred by an Orbit officer
refer themselves by completing the referral form
To find out more, please call us on 01273 66 69 50 or email info@mindcharity.co.uk
What will happen once a referral has been made?
Once referred, someone from Mind in Brighton and Hove will aim to call you within 2 working days to discuss your referral
We will then offer an assessment which will take about 30-45 minutes
At assessment stage we will discuss options and can offer either :
1 to 1 support
referral into Togetherall if the clients feels they can self-manage their mental health Togetherall is an anonymous online peer support community.
Togetherall (formerly known as the Big White Wall) is an anonymous online peer support community that provides support 24/7, offers include community peer support at any time of the day or night and online courses and resources to support you mental health. Togetherall is monitored closely by trained health care professionals and is a safe and secure online space to access self – management tools for your mental health.